Datasets UX enhancements
Brass Wildcat
The interaction with the dataset feature can be improved to enhance the user experience. Here some potential improvements:
- Enhanced Search Box: The search box could enable the filtering of datasets based on file types, such as CSV, TSV, and more.
- Pagination for Datasets: Pagination could improve the user experience when dealing with a large number of datasets.
- Dataset-Pipeline Association: Users could associate a dataset with a pipeline in both Launchpad and Actions, enhancing the integration and utility of datasets in the platform.
- No Dataset Matching Message: When there are no datasets matching the pipeline specification (schema file), display a dropdown with the message to inform the users.
- Dataset Version Dropdown: The dropdown for dataset versions could include the "Date edited" for added context.
- Labeling Datasets: To streamline the collation of resources associated with a specific study, it could be beneficial to allow datasets to be labeled with study identifiers.
Rob Newman