Ability to copy from Parameters Tab (including JSON/YAML format) and paste to pipeline invocation
Wenge Boa
In the "Runs" UI, the "Parameters" tab shows the parameters as neither JSON nor YAML. It's a custom "key = value" format that is not very useful. It would be ideal to be able to copy all the parameters here and paste them into a new pipeline invocation. YAML format would be greatly preferred here and an option for either YAML or JSON would be ideal.
Rob Newman
JSON is available, not YAML. You can also directly copy and/or download the parameters.
Charcoal Mandrill
do we know what format it is being presented in? I thought it might be showing the "Groovy" format used in the config file itself? not sure
Rob Newman
This will be released in the v.24.1 of Seqera Platform, targeting end of June 2024.
Charcoal Mandrill
Rob Newman hi just wanted to follow up on this, was this implemented in that Platform release as planned? Just wondering since we were looking at Platform updates to this or a later version soon and didnt know if we should expect this feature. Thanks
Drew DiPalma
in progress
Drew DiPalma