Add any generic S3 endpoint to provide Data Explorer access to data
Standard Quail
It would be great to access non-AWS S3 bucket. The S3 API is used by many vendors, first of all Openstack swift, used by many institutes (in Italy this is the platform technology proposed by many national resources), and now by most on-premise solutions (DELL, Qumulo, VAST, etc all propose an S3 API). Being able to add any S3 compatible endpoint would be super-useful.
Rob Newman
This is on the roadmap for Q3/Q4 2024
Rob Newman
Charcoal Mandrill
I thought this already worked? I have used Nextflow in the past with MinIO which uses an S3 API on self-hosted storage, details here; is this the type of thing you are trying to implement?
Continuous Squid
Charcoal Mandrill you can use it in your pipelines (probably also with Fusion), but not in the data explorer, which won't accept S3 url and credentials not from AWS.