Add automatic detection and setup for AWS EC2 instance storage
Brass Wildcat
Many AWS EC2 instances provide out-of-the-box additional storage capacity without the need to mount additional EBS volumes and incur additional changes. The limitations of this storage type are:
- Each different instance type has a different amount of instance storage capacity and volumes. A list of instance types is available.
- The instance storage is required to be "formatted" and mounted in the host instance before it can be used.
Seqera Platform/Tower should streamline the usage of EC2 instance storage used by AWS Batch jobs by automatically discovering, formating and mounting instance storage volumes provided by the computing node, and make it available in the Batch jobs as scratch storage for the local task computation.
Rob Newman
Yellow sunshine Firefly
I know that forge uses EBS Autoscale from AWS Labs. Here is a script to do what you are mentioning with EBS Autoscale