Add support for organisation workspaces to use GA4GH WES API
Brass Wildcat
Seqera Platform supports the ability to launch pipeline executions via GA4GH Workflow Execution Service API. However currently this API can only be used for execution in the user's private workspace.
Customers want to use the WES interface because it is a standard.
We should add the ability to launch pipeline executions in organisations' workspaces so that a user can submit a pipeline execution using
into a specified workspace id.B
Brass Wildcat
Brass Wildcat
Hi, I'm happy to communicate that this enhancement has been implemented to enable GA4GH in workspaces.
The endpoint documentation is updated to reflect this:
"GA4GH: Launch run
Uses the GA4GH workflow execution service API to launch a new run. Runs are launched in the user workspace context by default. To launch in an organization workspace context, include the workspaceId in workflow_engine_parameters. Runs are launched with the workspace primary compute environment by default. To launch with a different compute environment, include the computeEnvId in workflow_engine_parameters."