Allowing the user to provide a file in the launchpad?
Olive Aardvark
We are trying to deploy a demultiplexing / pre-processing pipeline on Seqera.
The input to the pipeline is typically a list of fastq files. Nevertheless, the users (which will be the customer) might want to give an additional metadata table, which will allow our script to re-name samples after demultiplexing, and thus allow the user to provide their own personalised sample names, a feature that is really important to us.
To our sense, the best way to do that would be to allow the user to provide an excel file as an input in the LaunchPad on Seqera. Our pipeline is able to read and process this excel file. The only problem is that we can only "Browse" files that are on the S3 buckets we deployed, but we would like the user to be able to browse its own computer's files.
Rob Newman
Right now,
role users and above can upload files when launching a pipeline and selecting input data file(s) via the Data Explorer modal window. Is this enough or do you need elevated Launch
role permissons? If so, please upvote the "Elevated Launch role" feature request or let us know and we can merge these feature requests.Rob Newman