Since AWS only allows 50 CE's per account (which translates to 25 usable CE's for Seqera Platform / Tower), the management of Computer Environments becomes really important. However, the current Compute Environments page is kinda sparse, only listing the Name, Status, Last Active, and ID, of each CE. It would be helpful if more details were viewable from the Compute Environments page, details for each CE such as
  • how many pipelines are using it
  • which pipelines are using it
  • important attributes such as usage of Wave / Fusion, EBS AutoScale, types of EC2 instances, inclusion of GPU
Hopefully some sort of compact-view could be developed to show these or other important attributes in the page for each CE.
One of the real-world needs for this, is trying to consolidate CE's, to identify which have overlapping settings, and which might not be needed. Right now its pretty difficult to navigate this with the current UI.