Disable download in Data Explorer per workspace
Adam Talbot
Related to https://seqera.canny.io/feature-requests/p/upload-a-folder-or-multiple-files-directly-via-data-explorer, it would be useful to make sure users cannot download files via data explorer so we can control confidential data and make sure no-one is copying it from our cloud storage.
Rob Newman
Rob Newman
Adam Talbot: Only the elevated Maintain+ role users can download via Data Explorer. Is there a need to limit this further or make user permissions even more granular?
Adam Talbot
Rob Newman Unfortunately, yes. The platform effectively circumvents the security and provenance measures. Once data enters the system, it shouldn’t be possible to extract it.
For instance, if we consider the analysis of patient data, you’d expect that no one should be able to remove information from the system in a way that allows unrestricted sharing.