Our primary use case for the Seqera Platform involves one user setting up a workspace with preconfigured pipelines, accessible to others in the organization. We aim to preconfigure pipelines to a large extent, yet allowing for minor, user-specific or pipeline-specific customizations.
If variables could be included in paths, which are evaluated at pipeline launch, a tidier directory structure accommodating many different users and pipelines would be possible.
Therefore, I propose that a distinct set of variables should be supported by Seqera Platform/Tower: 
come to my mind. All are "known" to the Platform when launching a pipeline, but may not exist yet. Therefore, the respective paths must be created automatically by the agent, if not available on the HPC / cloud provider.
For instance, a work directory could be preconfigured as:
Parameter files could be specific to a pipeline revision:
and account for changing parameters.
This would streamline the management of configurations, parameters, work directories, launch directories, and outputs across numerous users and pipeline runs.