Fusion support for HPC environments
Vivacious Shrimp
We are looking at the possibility to implement the Fusion file system solution for our Nextflow pipelines.
We have an HPC environment with no internet access, and Seqera Platform/Tower installed. We are using Singularity as our container solution, with singularity images available on the file system.
Is it possible to implement Fusion in our current setup, and if not, what would be needed for it to work? From the documentation, it seems that the use of Wave containers needs to be enabled, and that a Dockerfile needs to be present in the module directory of the processes of our Nextflow pipeline.
As internet is not available, I presume that we would also need to host a private Docker repository for storing Wave containers that have been built, is this a correct assumption? Also, is Docker needed to build and execute the Wave containers, or can Wave/Singularity be used instead?
Note: We do have a Docker container registry available.
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Rob Newman

Rob Newman
If internet access is not available, you would not be able to reach our Wave service. If you would like to be considered as a candidate for self-hosted Wave (which we are considering for the future) please let us know.

Rob Newman
Vivacious Shrimp: Following up on this - are you interested in being a candidate for testing self-hosted Wave?